Profil Perusahaan

Deqing SinoRay Metal Products Co., Ltd.

Deqing SinoRay Metal Produk Co., Ltd adalah loker Produsen and OEM loker pabrik Di Tiongkok. SinoRay memiliki bengkel yang dibangun sendiri seluas 9000m2 dan satu set lengkap peralatan produksi dan pemrosesan, termasuk mesin punching CNC AMADA Jepang yang canggih secara internasional dan mesin bending CNC, mesin punching 16T-100T, pengepres hidrolik 100T-500T, mesin geser, mesin perataan lembaran , Mesin peledakan tembakan, mesin penggilingan tepi, mesin penyusutan tabung, mesin pemotong laser otomatis, mesin pemotong plasma, mesin bending tabung kepala tunggal dan ganda dan berbagai mesin las, robot las otomatis, mesin las laser, satu set lengkap peralatan lini produksi pelapis . Grosir kami loker telah lulus sertifikasi manajemen sistem mutu IS09001, kami memiliki kekuatan teknis yang kuat, peralatan pengujian lanjutan, peralatan produksi dan jalur produksi yang sepenuhnya otomatis, serta sistem manajemen yang komprehensif. dan dapat menyesuaikan atau menyediakan desain dan pengembangan sesuai dengan kebutuhan pelanggan.
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Berita & Peristiwa

Pengetahuan Industri

Lockers are typically small, enclosed storage compartments that are used to store personal items such as clothing, books, electronics, and other valuables. They can be made of various materials including metal, plastic, or wood, and are often secured with a lock to ensure the safety and security of the items stored inside. Lockers are commonly found in schools, gyms, workplaces, and public places such as transportation hubs, where individuals may need a secure place to store their belongings temporarily.
There are several advantages of lockers, including:
Security: Lockers provide a secure place to store personal items, preventing theft or loss.
Organization: Lockers help keep personal items organized and easily accessible, reducing clutter and improving productivity.
Convenience: Lockers provide a convenient place to store items, making it easier to move around without having to carry everything.
Privacy: Lockers allow individuals to keep their personal items private and out of sight.
Personalization: Lockers can be personalized with decorations or name tags, providing a sense of ownership and personalization.
Durability: Lockers are typically made of durable materials that can withstand wear and tear, ensuring they last for a long time.
Overall, lockers provide a secure and convenient way to store personal items, improving organization, productivity, and peace of mind.
Lockers have a wide range of applications, including:
Schools: Lockers are commonly used in schools to provide students with a secure place to store textbooks, electronics, and other personal items.
Gyms and Fitness Centers: Lockers are used in gyms and fitness centers to store personal items such as clothing and bags while individuals exercise.
Workplaces: Lockers are used in workplaces to store personal items and provide employees with a secure place to keep their belongings.
Public Transportation: Lockers are used in public transportation hubs such as airports and train stations to provide travelers with a secure place to store their luggage.
Amusement Parks and Water Parks: Lockers are used in amusement parks and water parks to provide guests with a secure place to store personal items while they enjoy the attractions.
Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities: Lockers are used in hospitals and healthcare facilities to store personal items such as clothing and valuables for patients.
Overall, lockers are a versatile storage solution that can be used in a variety of settings to provide individuals with a secure and convenient place to store their personal items.